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Jobseekers Allowance (JSA) is for people who are unemployed and who are actively seeking work.


There are two forms of JSA:

Contributory-based JSA

This is based on the Jobseekers National Insurance contribution record.

It is payable for up to six months and is taxable. To claim you must be present in the UK.

Income Based JSA

This is calculated in the same way as Income Support. To claim you must be present in the UK, habitually reside and have the rights to habitually reside.

How much is JSA? (2019):

Contributory-Based JSA

Aged under 25 - £57.90

Aged 25 or over - £73.10

Income-Based JSA

This amount will vary as it is calculated in the same way as Income Support so is dependent upon your current circumstances.

How to claim JSA:

You should make a claim for JSA on the first day of being unemployed. JSA is administered by Jobcentre Plus. You will have most contact via a personal adviser at the local office where you sign on.

To make a claim, ring the national claim number 0800 055 6688, textphone 0800 023 4888 between 8.00am-6.00pm Monday-Friday. Your details will be taken, and an appointment will be arranged for you to see a financial assessor and a personal adviser. You will be required to sign a Jobseekers Agreement. The interviews will be held at your local Jobcentre Plus and will usually take place on the same day. The Call Centre will send you claim documents, which should be completed by you and taken along to your interviews. Jobcentre Plus does prefer claims to be completed by phone. However, heavy demand on the Call Centres sometimes means that claim packs are sent out. If you have difficulty using a telephone you can request a paper claim pack be sent to you for completion.

A claim for Jobseeker's Allowance can be made online by clicking the link below. This link will redirect you to the GOV.UK Website.

Make a claim for Jobseeker's Allowance

Please note that Universal Credit will replace certain benefits for anyone under Pension Credit age. Income Based JSA will be abolished between now and 2017 and will be paid as part of Universal Credit.


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Whilst all the information given in this document was correct at the time of going to press, DIAL Doncaster cannot be held responsible for any subsequent changes.

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