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The basic State Pension is a payment from the government that is payable when you reach State Pension age. Eligibility is determined by the National Insurance Contributions that you have been credited with. To calculate when you'll reach State Pension age or Pension Credit qualifying age and how much you will get click on the link State Pension Calculator.

The two main categories of state pension are known as Category A and B pensions.

Category A pensions are normally based on your own National Insurance contribution record.

Category B pensions are payable only to married women, widows and some widowers and surviving civil partners and are based on their spouse/civil partner's contribution record. Civil partners have many of the same state pension rights as spouses.

All categories of state pension are taxable.


Any earnings you receive after reaching state pension age do not reduce your state pension. If you carry on working and do not draw your pension, you may earn extra state pension or a one-off lump sum.

If you have already claimed you state pension, you can give up your claim in order to earn extra state pension. You can only give up a state pension once, and cannot backdate that choice.

Basic State Pension per week 2019/20

For yourself - £168.60


Normally, The Pension Service will contact you approximately 4 months prior to your pensionable age with regard to your claim. If they do not, you can either contact 0800 731 7898 (textphone 0800 731 7339) to make a claim over the phone; ask for a claim form; or download the form at www.gov.uk.


To check your contribution record, you can ask for a state pension forecast if you are over 30 days away from your state pension age.

The forecast will give you your current state pension entitlement based on the records held by the HM Revenue and Customs. It should allow you (with some help if necessary) to make the right decisions about your future contribution position.

To get a forecast, contact your local Jobcentre Plus office or The Pension Service and ask for the form BR19 or ring the State Pension Forecasting Team on 0845 300 0168.


The new State Pension will be a regular payment from the Government that you can claim if you reach state pension age on or after 6th April 2016. You'll be able to get the new State Pension if you are eligible and:

  • You are a man born after 6th April 1951
  • You are a woman born after 6th April 1953

You can find further information at www.gov.uk 


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Whilst all the information given in this document was correct at the time of going to press, DIAL Doncaster cannot be held responsible for any subsequent changes.

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