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We can provide full and up-to-date information on:

  • Local and National Support groupsInfoIcon
  • Learning disabilities
  • Transport and access
  • Caring for someone at home
  • Housing
  • Eating out
  • Holidays
  • Community Alarm Systems
  • Personal Budgets
  • And many other subjects

Some of the questions we have been asked:

I think my son might have dyslexia, are there any support groups?

How can I get a Blue Badge?

How do I register as sight impaired or severely sight impaired?

How do I get a referral for an NHS wheelchair?

I am a deaf person and have been invited to attend a meeting. How do I get an interpreter?

I'm newly disabled – am I entitled to any financial help?

My wife is a wheelchair user – Do you know of any holiday accommodation that would be suitable for us?

Below are some useful links on our website where you can discover a variety of useful information, covering a wide range of topics.

Benefit Sheets
Local Contacts
National Contacts

This service is free, impartial and strictly confidential.

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